Теперь обратимся к вопросу о видах контроля. Большинство методистов различают вслед за дидактами два вида контроля: текущий и итоговый.

Итоговые тесты (summative tests) предназначены объективно подтвердить достигнутый студентами уровень обученности. Тематический тест (formative tests) призван способствовать улучшению самого учебного процесса. Как метко подметил один из американских тестологов, итоговые тесты Prove, тематические Improve.

Приведем примеры тех и других тестов. После того как пройдено несколько тем, например The Present Indefinite и The Present Continuous или The Present Perfect, The Present Perfect Continuous и The Past Indefinite, целесообразно давать небольшие тестовые задания на употребление этих времен. Это может быть ставшее давно привычным задание на раскрытие скобок, в котором нужно в правильной форме употребить глаголы.



Directions: Insert the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Indefinite.

1. I agree not to expect anything from mother or you, but I do want to buy Undine and Sintram for myself; I (to want) it so long. Alcott

2. Suddenly she stopped. There he is. Don't say you (to see) me.' Maugham

3. My dear, where you (to get) it? Twenty-five dollars! Jo, I hope you (not to do) anything rash?' Alcott

4. Won't you sit down? I (not to speak) to a white person for two years. I (to long) for a good old talk. Maugham

5. Jo bundled up her braids, hoping no one would pass by till she was tidy again. But someone did pass by. ' You (to run), Jo; how could you?' said Meg reprovingly. Alcott

6. Oh, my God, how I (to waste) my life! Maugham

7. On the ninth of January, now four days ago, I (to receive) by the evening delivery a registered envelope. Stevenson

8. Jo, go and get Dr. Bangs at once,' commanded Meg, 'we can't decide anything till he (to be). Alcott

9. You know yourself, Harry, how independent I am by nature. I (to be) always my own master. Wilde

10. My dear fellow, I just (to remember) where I (to hear) the name of Dorian Gray.' - Where it (to be)? asked Basil. - 'It (to be) at my aunt, Lady Agatha's'. Wilde


1. have wanted (Pr. Perf. II. with stative verbs)

2. have seen ( Pr. Perf. I)

3. did you get (where), haven't done (Pr. Perf. I)

4. haven't spoken ( Pr. Perf. II. in negative sentences), have been longing (Pr. Perf. Con. I)

5. have been running (Pr. Perf. Con. II)

6. have wasted ( Pr. Perf. I to sum up) or have been wasting (Pr. Perf. Con. I)

7. received (date in the past)

8. has been ( Pr. Perf. Ill)

9. Have always been (Pr. Perf. I)

10. have just remembered, heard , was, was ( in all the cases the Past Ind. with indications of place)

При выполнении данного теста можно попросить студентов обосновать свой выбор, сделав такие небольшие пометки, как даны в ключах. Объяснения их полностью исключат случайное угадывание правильных ответов.


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